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deaths and serious injuries中文是什么意思

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  • 要求报告的范围包括死亡或者严重伤害事件


  • However , this was mainly due to a rise in the number of minor accidents and there was a drop in the number of traffic accidents resulting in deaths and serious injuries , he added
  • Side impact accident of the car is next to front impact , which occupies about 30 percent of accident total in the forms of collision of front impact , side impact , rear impact and roll , and occupies about 35 percent in the accident of death and serious injury
    在正碰、侧碰、追尾、翻滚这些碰撞形式中,汽车侧面碰撞事故约占事故总数的30 % ,仅次于正面碰撞,而在造成死亡和重伤的事故中,侧碰事故约占35 % 。
  • If the participants of either party more than 10 , the aggravated punishment , in other word , large number and scale as well as odious social effect , will be applied . during the course of an affray , offence of intentional killing can only be determined if the death and serious injury both happens , " carrying arms " means taking along and using the constitutive elements of use , " plot " as one of the constitutive elements of the crime of affray
    适用“人数多,规模大,社会影响恶劣”这一加重处罚情形时,单方的参加人应在10人以上, “持械”是指聚众斗殴中携带并使用器械或携带器械主观上有使用企图的行为。
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